
Friday-night AikiFit is perfect for beginners looking to get in shape as well as more advanced students wanting to build strength, flexibility, and stamina for testing. Core fitness is essential to aikido practice as well as to living a long healthy life. Aikido-based exercises will emphasize endurance and flexibility. 

The class consists of two, thirty-minute sessions with a short break: 

  • Part 1 (6:15-6:45): Core strength training, consisting of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and other movements focused on building core strength.

  • Part 2 (6:50-7:20): Aikido-based drills using elements of aikido movements, including getting to the ground safely, getting up, and weapons work with repetition as a workout.

The two sessions are followed by an instructor-led cool-down and stretch. 

We recommend you pre-hydrate and bring a towel and water bottle for your workout.